
A lifelong Florida resident, I’ve been traveling for work, school and fun for a number of years, as often as I’m able to. This site was originally written to chronicle a Summer 2011 around-the-world trip, but it’s become a whole lot more in the years since. As ten countries turned to twenty, and then fifty, and then more, the goals started to change. Before reaching 100 countries visited, the end goal was clear: visiting every country.


That does beg the obvious question from many people: “Well, How many countries are there?”

The short answer: “Around 200.”

I won’t get into the long answer, but if anyone wants to die on the hill of a specific number, to them I’d say: “Yeah, well, that’s just like uh, your opinion, man.”

As far as this blog goes though, from the very first country chronicled the approach has been the same and fairly basic… I’ve been uploading photos, videos, travel logs, local tips, bed bugs…. you know, all the usual things travelers pick up along the way. While abroad, I hope to update the site regularly when internet access and/or authoritarian governments permit. For those heading to any of the countries/cities/mountains/trails visited here, this might even serve as a “how-to” travel blog, or at the very least a “how-not-to” blog. Either way, I hope you enjoy the site. Check back regularly as I head out…. from Here, There, and (hopefully) Back.
